About Playback Triggering (Input)

The Playback Trigger tab sets up triggering when playing recorded data. The same trigger parameters available when triggering from hardware are available when playing a recording, except for the trigger types and trigger holdoff. The trigger conditions of slope, level, delay, and trigger holdoff share the same operation as their identical parameters under the Input > Trigger tab, with the exception that holdoff is available for all playback trigger types except Freerun. The Display Ref Line on Active Trace selection is available and is identical to the Display Ref Line on Active Trace selection found under the Input > Trigger dialog box.

Playback Trigger is unavailable for Power Spectrum measurements.

When playing a recording, the following trigger types are available: (If a particular trigger type is not available for the recorded data, that type does not appear in the menu.)

Playback triggering is done from the data before filtering. This is different from Magnitude or IF Mag triggering on data directly from hardware, as shown in the following illustration.


With Magnitude triggering, the magnitude of the playback signal must vary to trigger the VSA. The magnitude of the playback signal varies when it switches on and off or if it is AM modulated.

Playback Trigger and Segmented Recordings

Note the following when using Playback Trigger with Segmented Recordings:

See Also

Trigger Overview

Trigger Holdoff

Level (Trigger)

Delay (Trigger)

Input menu

Trigger tab (Input)

Display Ref Line (Trigger)